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Like any other variable, a member function of a class operates on any object of the class to which it belongs and has access to all members of the class for that object. Read more
Functions consist of instructions that take inputs, perform specific calculations, and produce outputs. Function declarations provide information about the name, return type, and parameters... Read more
As a special member function of the class, a constructor is a function that initializes an object when it is created. In C++, the constructor is called automatically when an object... Read more
A key feature of object-oriented programming is data hiding, which prevents a program's functions from directly accessing the internal representation of a class. Within the class body,... Read more
Object-oriented programming centers on the creation of classes, which provide a general framework for organizing computations in a program, where objects are merely instances of classes. Read more
The C++ language supports unnamed functions (lambda functions). In fact, such an object can be assigned to a variable, and the variable can then be invoked as if it were a function. Read more
A DNS resource record (RR) is the data that maps a name to an IP address or other information, in areas that serve a structural purpose. This record, often abbreviated RR, is considered... Read more
In order to enable Internet communication, DNS (Domain Name System) name resolution translates domain names into IP addresses. Here is an overview of the DNS name resolution mechanism: Read more
An essential element of Internet infrastructure, DNS serves as a hierarchical and distributed system that translates human-friendly domain names into machine-readable IP addresses... Read more
As opposed to formatting space, Linux filesystems are often referred to as "created file systems." A file system organizes raw storage space, such as a disk partition, to store data. Read more
Software that manages the hardware of a computer is known as an operating system. Additionally, it serves as an intermediary between the user and the computer hardware, providing a... Read more
Constraints allow you to limit the type of data to insert into a table. These constraints can be specified when creating the table using the CREATE TABLE statement, or after creating... Read more
Data types represent a kind of data that can be stored in the database. The data type is the set of representable values. It is also known as an attribute that specifies a data type... Read more
An operator is a reserved word or character used primarily in the WHERE clause of an SQL statement to perform operations, such as comparisons and arithmetic operations. These operators... Read more
A table is a set of data relating to the same entity. It is structured in the form of a table. A table can also be called a relation (it contains the data which are in relation to... Read more
A coherent computer system of information likely to be used simultaneously by several people. In fact, a database is a collection of files shared by several users. It is therefore... Read more
SQL is a language for operating databases; it includes creating, deleting, extracting lines, modifying lines, etc. databases. SQL is an American National Standards Institute (ANSI)... Read more